We have hit an annual record! However, not one we would like to try and beat. Auto theft continues to challenge our area and is showing no signs of relief. UACA continues to work with 32 Division on this issue. In the outline below there are suggested prevention techniques that may help deter your vehicle from being stolen. If you drive a Range Rover or Lexus, it is suggested reading.


First – the numbers! In October and November, there were TWELVE auto thefts bringing the 2021 count to 53. The table below provides a snapshot of the previous three-year period. Thefts in the UACA area are up 55% in 2021 versus the same period in 2020.

If you have a Range Rover or Lexus – we encourage you to consider the following prevention techniques. We estimate that there have been eightRange Rovers stolen here in the October/November period. Another top theft target is the Lexus SUV.
Suggested Prevention Techniques:

  1. Park in the garage.
  2. If that is not possible, use a Faraday box/pouch to store your fob.
  3. Layer the Faraday protection, with the use of a steering wheel locking mechanism such as the Club.
  4. Cover your VIN so it is not visible from outside.

UACA continues to work with 32 Division and are hopeful that the work of the Auto Theft Suppression Team, implemented in September 2021, will soon begin to have a positive impact in reducing thefts. The following chart illustrates the incidents on a month-by-month basis. Simple math indicates that the value of autos stolen in our area in 2021 is greater than $4 million. 

It is estimated that the City of Toronto will experience 6,000+ auto thefts in 2021.


Break and enter incidents have continued a year-over-year downward trend in 2021. Year to date, there have been three house-related break and enters as well as an attempted break and enter where the resident was at home. This is very unusual based on local experience. The front of the house may not have had lights on indicating that people were home. As the days get dark earlier, it is suggested that homeowners ensure there is some lighting on in the front of the house to indicate activity. The following chart illustrates monthly break and enter activity for the past three years.

In 2021, we have seen a considerable decline in commercial-related break and enters on Avenue Road and Bathurst Street. Most of these occurred during the lockdown months.


Kijiji Type Purchases: Many residents buy and sell articles on Kijiji-type websites. To make these transactions safer for residents, 32 Division has implemented a Buy and Sell Safe Exchange Zone where people can exchange prearranged purchases. The zone is located in the police station’s vestibule, just inside the double front doors, at 30 Ellerslie Avenue.
Porch Pirates: With the holiday season upon us, it is anticipated there will be a resurgence of porch pirate activity. Delivery services have improved their notification process and often homeowners get a text or email as soon as a package is delivered. If you are expecting a package, and know you won’t be home, it may be helpful to use the neighbour buddy system to retrieve your package to avoid a porch pirate beating you to it.

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